Sunday, August 25, 2013

The big land rush

In today's world, we have a plethora of sources for obtaining our news - television, newspaper, mobile applications, social media, text messages, et cetera. These sources often condense the relevant information into an article, 2 minute news segment, or-in the case of Twitter-140 characters! It's usually enough to relay the main message with a few details. But, that's about it.

That's why I love documentaries! Sometimes to really get at the heart of a story, you have to delve into the world that's just beyond the article. For an hour or so, documentaries transport you into the world of experts, opinions, facts, etc. Sometimes they make you happy. Many times they make you furious. The very best ones inspire you to change yourself or call for change in others.

As Oxfam supporters all over the globe gear up for awareness activities surrounding World Food Day 2013, it's important that we take a look at the issues that surround hunger. One such and often misunderstood issue is land grabs. I bet you can see where I'm going with this...

Why Poverty? has a great 1 hour documentary on their website (for free) that helps to explain the complicated issue of land grabs through the eyes of an American sugar farmer looking to acquire 200 square km of land for development in a partnership with the Mali government. That is, until a military coup takes place...

So, for World Food Day 2013...please share this film and encourage people to ask tough questions about poverty and why nearly 1 in 8 people is trapped in a cycle of constant hunger.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

How will you jam with Oxfam?

What do these musical groups all have in common?

Apart from their totally awesome music – these groups, along with many others, support Oxfam’s work around the globe to help “Right the Wrong” of hunger, poverty, and injustice. By raising awareness and leveraging their “fandom” to use their voices for change, the movement grows ever stronger. This summer, add your voice to the growing community of people who believe: women deserve fairer treatment, farmers shouldn't lose their livelihoods to big corporations stealing their land, and that no person deserves to go without food. Changing the world isn't easy and that's why we need your help. From tabling at concerts, to meeting with congressional staff, volunteering at food banks, and raising awareness about the plight of poverty - the big question of the summer is: How will you jam with Oxfam?

Click here to show your support for the Behind the Brands campaign - it's quick and simple or click here to email the Iowa Oxfam Action Corps to find out how you can get involved.

Click here to download the Oxfam Summer Jams 2013 soundtrack (17 tracks) – completely free.

Jam on!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Oxfam at 80/35

The Iowa Oxfam Action Corps is gearing up for the big holiday weekend! As part of our ongoing music outreach, we will be mingling with the community at this weekend’s 80/35 music festival right here in downtown Des Moines! We had such a great time last year at 80/35 that we decided to do it again.

This Saturday, the Action Corps will be collecting signatures, interacting with festival goers and spreading awareness about Oxfam. Our booth will be located in the YPC Do More Village. The Do More Village will be showcasing all things Des Moines, featuring interactive exhibits and unique demonstrations, all provided by local organizations and non-profits on Locust St. In addition to visiting our booth, you can check out the more than 40 musical acts on three stages (two of which are FREE!), including David Byrne & St. Vincent, Wu Tang Clan and local favorites H.D. Harmsen. For more information on 80/35, click here.

Interested in volunteering with Oxfam at 80/35? There are still spots available! You can contact us at

Swing by the Oxfam table at 80/35 this Saturday, and say hi! Have a happy and safe Fourth of July!


Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Nothing Loco about being a Locavore.

Hello Iowans! This is Aaron blogging today so prepare yourself for links... links are fun!

Our local Farmers' Markets are back in business and now is a great opportunity to discuss Oxfam's Grow Method. These neighborhood markets allow local farmers to sell their meat & produce directly to consumers. Doing some of your grocery shopping at your local Farmers' Market is directly in-line with 3 Grow Method principles.

  • SUPPORT - You're supporting small-scale food producers close to home.
  • SEASONAL - We waste lots of energy trying to grow food in the wrong place, at the wrong time of year. The produce available at your local Farmers' Market reflects the growing season in your area.
  • SAVE FOOD - About a third of the food produced for people's plates ends up lost or wasted between farm and fork. Sometimes cutting the distance between farm & fork can cut food waste too!
Here are some additional resources for finding out what is in season where you live.
For more information on where to find the closest market to you, Iowa Oxfam Action Corps has put together a Foursquare list of Farmer's Markets in the greater Des Moines area. Enjoy!

If you're looking for recipes I've got a link for that. Oxfam America has a great Pinterest where you can follow & pin delicious Grow Method Recipes.  Check it out!

And if you've got a fully stocked kitchen but you're stumped on what to make for dinner, there's another kind of online resource that you can use to SAVE FOOD. You can find several different special recipe websites online by searching for "what to cook with ingredients you have" - on these sites you tell them some of the ingredients you have available and they will search for recipes that you'll be able to use them with. We are living in the future and it is amazing. I can personally recommend My Fridge Food for having saved a few dinners in my household through its ease of use. 

Enjoy your Summer, Iowa!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Poverty as a Puzzle

Earlier today, the Royce/Engel amendment to the 2013 Farm Bill was defeated on the floor of the House of Representatives. This amendment would have given an enormous boost to helping to lessen the effects of poverty worldwide by extending the flexibility and appropriate market mechanisms to meet emergency needs. In short, it would have allowed the United States to respond to disaster with food aid that is more cost effective (a plus for U.S. taxpayers) and faster (a plus for those experiencing famine). Sadly, it was supported by many of both major political parties but lost due to special interest lobbying and the spread of misinformation. With so many moving parts, how can we ever hope to end poverty?

Sounds a bit like a puzzle, no?

Rest assured, this is a solvable puzzle. We can and will solve hunger. We know what the pieces are: sustainable farming; empowering women, farmers, and communities; giving youth a chance at an education; fixing an outdated food aid system; and ending conflicts over natural resources, etc. And, we know that the pieces do fit together! Read this incredible story about Laura Chavez, a Guatemalan, who has inspired women in her community to stand up against gender-based violence. Through training she receives from Oxfam, she empowers women and makes her community stronger.

Organizations like Oxfam America work tirelessly to bring all of these pieces together. Let's continue to put pieces together, one-at-a-time, until the ending puzzle is a picture of a world where people have the power to make the changes they need to live smarter, healthier, and safer lives.

Sometimes a puzzle piece falls off the table and onto the floor, just like the Royce/Engel amendment did today. It doesn't mean the puzzle is over - let's pick up that piece, search for a new piece if need be, and finish the puzzle.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

GROW with Local Farmers Markets

It’s that time of year again…May marks the official start to farmer’s market season! Visiting a local farmer’s market is a great way to follow a part of the GROW method. By purchasing goods at a market, you are supporting your local farmers. You can find homemade items like preserves and baked goods as well as produce. The produce ranges from apples to kale to peppers and much more, all fresh and grown locally!

There are several markets in the Des Moines area for you to choose from, and they are held at a variety of times. The Downtown market is held every Saturday morning from 7a.m. until noon. Plus, if you ride your bike to the market you can park in the Free Valet Bike Parking at Second and Court. Another popular market is the Valley Junction Farmer’s Market, held every Thursday (May 2-Oct. 3, excluding July 4) from 4 to 8 p.m. Live music plays in the Junction from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. Drake Neighborhood holds their market every Wednesday, June through September from 4 to 7 p.m. It is held at 25th and University, in the parking lot of First Christian Church. A complete list of area farmer’s markets can be found here. Are you big on social media? On Foursquare, we have a great map of Des Moines Area Farmers Markets here.

As the season progresses, the Iowa Oxfam Action Corps will be making volunteer opportunities at farmer’s markets available. As these opportunities become available, we will let you know by posting on our Facebook page and by email. Feel free to contact us at if you have any questions or would like to volunteer. We’d love to see you!

Happy Farmer’s Market Season!


Wednesday, April 24, 2013

And we're back...

Hello Des Moines!

This is Aaron Schlumbohm, one of your two new Action Corps Organizers for this next year, the other being my esteemed colleague Kelly Buffalo. We are both recently returned from a 4 day training with Oxfam America staff in Washington D.C. Present were volunteers from 15 cities that Oxfam America has identified as important in the global fight against poverty, hunger, & injustice... and we're proud that Des Moines, IA is one of them. While there we had the opportunity to learn more about Oxfam's mission & ongoing campaigns, and to talk with staff from the offices of Congressman Latham and Senators Grassley and Harkin about the President's proposals to Reform US Food Aid. It was a great experience and I hope that if you're reading this you'll consider seizing this opportunity to take a leadership role in Oxfam Action Corps next year!

Since we've been back we had the opportunity to table at Earth Day in the Junction talking about Oxfam with the community and collecting petitions supporting food aid reform. We're also transitioning with last year's organizers Amy & Lance. We're hoping to continue the outstanding work they've done organizing events & volunteer opportunities, and to build on the volunteer base they've developed here in the Des Moines area. We're also planning to develop a more active online presence with regular updates on Facebook, Twitter, and Foursquare so look for us there! Additionally, Kelly and I have committed to regular blog posts on the 7th and 21st of each month (as I type this on April 24th) under the direction of former organizer Lance Massey as Blogger-in-Chief. :)

We've got a volunteer opportunity Thursday April 25th from 6:30-8:30 at St. Timothy's and a meeting coming up on Friday May 3rd. We'll keep you up to date and we hope to see you soon!

Saturday, March 30, 2013

We're excited to announce...

Earlier this year, we announced the opportunity for supporters of the Iowa Oxfam Action Corps (and for Oxfam in general) to apply to be one of two regional volunteer organizers for April 2013 through April 2014. After an interview with Oxfam America, the newest organizers for the Des Moines area have been selected! Both will attend an organizer training in Washington D.C. in mid-April where they will meet with Oxfam staff, receive training on Oxfam’s campaigns, and lobby Congressional officials. We’re incredibly excited by their enthusiasm and wanted to take an opportunity to introduce them to you...

How long have you been volunteering with the Iowa Oxfam Action Corps?
I am a University of Iowa graduate and USMC veteran currently working in the insurance industry, which is how I connected to Oxfam through my company's volunteer match website. That was last September [2012] and I've enjoyed being a part of the Action Corps ever since. 

What are you most looking forward to over the next year?
I'm looking forward to working with the volunteers here in Des Moines on Oxfam's campaigns this year. 

What’s your favorite GROW Method principle?
My favorite part of the GROW Method is Support small-scale food producers, especially local producers & small businesses here in Iowa- you can often see me running around the Farmer's Market here in Des Moines buying one of everything.

How long have you been volunteering with the Iowa Oxfam Action Corps?
I contacted the Action Corps here in Des Moines in January, because I wanted to give my time to a cause or to a people needing the extra help. Oxfam fit everything I feel strongly about so it was a no-brainer for me!

What events (farmers markets, concerts, service projects, etc.) are you most looking forward to over the next year?
I am particularly excited for farmers markets. I believe in promoting sustainability, and buying produce from local growers.

What’s one skill you’d like to develop or work on over your year as an organizer?
Public speaking! I want to become more comfortable speaking to crowds.

What’s your favorite GROW Method principle? Tell us about a meal you had (or cooked) recently that met that principle…
I am a HUGE proponent of buying only what you need or will eat. Food is wasted at an alarming rate, and there are people who do not have enough. This is something that was instilled in me from a very young age.

If someone was “on the fence” about volunteering with the Action Corps, what would you tell them? 
We're a friendly group of people who are all here for the same reason, to fight poverty and injustice. I know a lot of folks are worried about the time it may take up, but really all we ask for is a few hours a month, and helping your community is priceless. Change starts at home!

Friday, March 22, 2013

World Water Day 2013

Happy World Water Day!

The United Nations marks March 22nd as World Water Day, a day to celebrate this enormously precious resource and recognize the continuing barriers many communities face in achieving water security. Recent U.N. statistics show that nearly 780 million people don’t have access to safe drinking water and nearly 2.5 billion lack access to proper sanitation. That’s a little “difficult to swallow” considering our home, planet Earth, has a surface that is more than 2/3rds water (albeit, not freshwater – but modern technologies make desalination relatively inexpensive).

As water pertains to food, nearly 70% of all freshwater is used for irrigation and agricultural purposes, 20% for industry and manufacturing, leaving the remaining 10% for drinking, sanitation, and other purposes. In more simple terms, to produce the daily caloric requirements for each human– it takes almost 1,300 gallons whereas our daily drinking requirement is something more like 1 gallon. So, what we eat has an enormous impact on the amount of freshwater that is consumed compared to actually drinking the water. For example, 1 pound of grain-fed beef takes 2,000 gallons of water; where a similar nutritional profile (proteins, fats, etc.) grown out of plant matter takes about 800 gallons of water. That’s a crazy savings! I often hear that people say that “I’m just one person, what difference can I make?” When it comes to water, your difference is a big one! Now, we’re not asking you to give up your favorite burger joint – but what if you had lentils one night instead of ground beef?

That’s why when Oxfam created The GROW Method, they saw that choosing to eat a little less meat made a huge impact on agriculture, climate change, and the consumption of freshwater! This World Water Day, be a part of a growing movement. Maybe you were really looking forward to that chicken alfredo for dinner but don't worry - there are many other ways that you can reduce your water “footprint”. You can install a low-flow shower head, turn off the faucet when brushing your teeth, wear that shirt twice (assuming it doesn’t have an odor – or if it does and you’re looking to avoid people), or have a plant-based meal. You might already do some of these things and for that, we give our thanks.

Today, raise a glass (of water, of course) to water: a beautiful molecule of 1 hydrogen atom and 2 oxygen atoms which without, life, as we know it, would not be possible.

And with a quenched palete, raise your voice for justice: clean, safe water for all.

Monday, March 11, 2013

An IWD Thank You!

It wouldn’t have been possible without you.

On March 7th, nearly 150 people attended Women and a Well-Fed World at the Hall of Laureates to hear three women panelists (Dr. Dorothy Masinde, Denise O’Brien, and Muthoni Muriu) share their thoughts on the role women play in feeding the world and the significant equality barriers those same women face every day. It was a truly beautiful event – the space was gorgeous and there was even time for networking before the panelists spoke, thanks to our 10 co-sponsoring organizations who hosted an information table. Let us take this space to say THANK YOU to all whether you volunteered, were responsible for any part of planning, attended the event, or helped us promote through your networks. The event’s success would not have been possible without your support! Pictures are forthcoming on our Facebook page, but here's a lovely picture of our Action Corps volunteers.

Then…on March 8th, the Iowa Oxfam Action Corps took to the streets of downtown Des Moines to participate in a 15-city campaign awareness action. After months of planning (and secrecy), we were finally able to share the specially wrapped candy bars and our message. The ask: Let’s tell Mondelez, Mars, and Nestle to support women cocoa farmers in their supply chains. 12 volunteers with posters, candy bars, and petition clipboards shared the message with an estimated 1,000 people, handing out 388 candy bars, and collecting (over two days) 169 petitions signatures. Click here to view our pictures! To the nightlife of Des Moines who listened to our message and to the many volunteers who braved the cold and rain to share that message: THANK YOU!

Celebrating International Women’s Day is more than taking the time to honor the sacrifices and contributions of women. Celebrating this day reaffirms our commitment to ourselves and to each other, no matter our gender – because we are all humans and we all deserve to live lives of dignity and promise. And when we see the broken promises – lives of women and children torn by hunger, despair, and injustice: we take a stand. International Women’s Day may be over, but the fight for gender equality and equality for all will press on. Stand with us, it’s never too late.

It’s not possible without you.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

The State of the State of the Union address

As declared in the U.S. Constitution (Article II, Section 3): “He [POTUS] shall from time to time give to Congress information of the State of the Union and recommend to their Consideration such measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient.”

On the evening of February 12th, President Barack Obama gave his 4th State of the Union (SOTU) address. Typically, the State of the Union takes the shape of a to-do list and in this case, it was a glimpse of Mr. Obama’s plan for his second term. As expected by people closely following the speech was the time and energy given to talking about the American economy. Nearly 65% of the speech was focused solely on “reigniting the true engine of America’s economic growth”. It’s not the first time the President has spoken about the economy during the SOTU. It wasn't surprising. However, there was something said that may have surprised many who are working to end global hunger and poverty…it came about 46 minutes into the speech:

“We also know that progress in the most impoverished parts of our world enriches us all. In many places, people live on little more than a dollar a day. So the United States will join with our allies to eradicate such extreme poverty in the next two decades: by connecting more people to the global economy and empowering women; by giving our young and brightest minds new opportunities to serve and helping communities to feed, power, and educate themselves; by saving the world's children from preventable deaths; and by realizing the promise of an AIDS-free generation.”

Wow! That’s a big promise – but we know we can accomplish it. We're a nation of big ideas. This isn't a Democrat or Republican issue. It's an issue of basic human integrity and it's not right that so many around the world should suffer. We know that aid works – projects like LRP can’t be allowed to expire. Programs like Feed the Future can’t be allowed to suffer as a result of the impending sequester. Oxfam has long advocated for policies and the development of institutions like LRP and Feed the Future that empower the impoverished to lift themselves to a better state. Let's get to that better state!

To watch the full State of the Union address, click here.

Friday, February 15, 2013

You're Invited!

With International Women's Day just a month away, we're beginning to build awareness around this day of celebration for the economic, political, and social gains being made by truly amazing women all over the world. But, it may have some people wondering...well, why such a large focus on women? Now, as in the past, there are wide gender inequities all over the globe that ultimately leave women (and children) without the ability to realize their full human potential. Here are a few facts taken from Oxfam America's website that detail some of the inequities:
  • Sixty-six percent of the world’s work falls on women’s shoulders, yet they earn only 10 percent of the world’s income.
  • In the majority of countries, women’s wages are 10 to 30 percent lower than men’s.
  • Worldwide in 2008, nearly 800 million people over the age of 15 could neither read nor write—and two-thirds of them were women.
  • In war and conflict, women typically experience the worst atrocities, including rape, forced prostitution, and mutilation.  
  • Gender-based violence kills one in three women across the world and is the biggest cause of injury and death to women worldwide, causing more deaths and disability among women than cancer, malaria, traffic accidents, and war.
  • Health crises, like the HIV/AIDS outbreaks in southern Africa, can also have a disproportionate impact on women because of harmful cultural practices and unequal laws and government policies.
For those above statistics (and the many others that are not listed here), it's not a stretch of the imagination to learn that women represent 60% of the world's impoverished. Organizations like Oxfam work to empower women - providing education, resources, food, and security so that women can lift themselves (and their families and communities) out of poverty and build a better future for the coming generations.

Join us in Des Moines for our 2013 International Women's Day event being held at the Hall of Laureates on Thursday, March 7th starting at 6:30p. Speakers from Women, Food, and Agriculture Network (WFAN) and Oxfam America will present a panel discussion called "Women and a Well-Fed World: Facing the Challenge - Gaining Ground" which highlights the remarkable achievements women have made in feeding the world.

RSVP today and share the Facebook invite with your friends!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Join the Action Corps

Join the Oxfam Action Corps in Des Moines!
Free spaces are available at training April 13-16, 2013  Apply now!
    • Are you concerned that the people who grow the world’s food—many of whom are women—cannot afford to feed their own families? And that one in eight people goes to bed hungry every night even though the world produces enough food for everybody?
        • Do you want to take action in your city to achieve policies to sustainably feed a growing population and empower poor people to earn a living, feed their families, and thrive?
          • Are you willing to reach out to others in your community to hold governments and businesses accountable for the impact of their policies and practices on the environment and global food security?
          Oxfam America, an international relief and development organization, invites you to join the Oxfam Action Corps, an exciting effort to cultivate grassroots leaders and political change.

          Oxfam Action Corps volunteers work closely with Oxfam staff to engage their community and elected officials. We will provide training and support throughout a one-year time commitment. You'll meet amazing activists, build community, and drive political solutions.

          Here is what previous Oxfam Action Corps volunteers said:

          “Oxfam Action Corps has given me a ton of confidence… gaining knowledge and being able to speak to people about the issues.” Amy, Business Operations Analyst, Des Moines

          “I liked it, loved it, actually. I now have a better appreciation for activism and I do believe that it can really make a difference!” Debby, Graduate Student, VT

          "This has become one of the best parts of my life… I can't express enough how satisfying it is to be organizing with people who are just as committed and dependable and passionate." – Isaac., Educator, New York City

          Sign-up by February 14 at: 

          Thursday, January 24, 2013

          The Hunger Map

          Background: The World Food Programme (WFP) is the food assistance branch of the United Nations. Annually, WFP feeds nearly 90 million people worldwide, 60% of which are children, with an average of 2.5 million metric tons of food. WFP is the world's largest humanitarian organization addressing hunger and Oxfam International and Oxfam America find a great ally in WFP on numerous fronts - check out this article and short Youtube video on one of their combined initiatives called R4. Another way Oxfam America helps WFP is by working to increase the effectiveness of U.S. food assistance to the U.N. - no easy feat in today's political climate!

          So, The Hunger Map...

          WFP has on their website a highly interactive map called (you guessed it) The Hunger Map. What a resource! You can click on any country and instantly see details about the % of population classified as undernourished as well as major contributing factors to food insecurity. From there, tabs near the top of the screen (labeled as Hunger, WFP, and People) can take you to images and stories of lives touched by food assistance. Prior versions of this map were only available as a downloadable "flat" file mostly geared towards formal classroom instruction.

          More than being a massively useful resource in explaining hunger and poverty, the map is a high-contrast visual representation that the world we live in is unjust. Look at Africa - such a huge portion of the continent is highlighted for their varying degrees of food insecurity. Political strife, climate change, poor economies, etc. all contribute to a lower quality of life for tens of millions living there. I invite you to take a peek at a few countries with WFP offices and explore the major contributing factors and what work is being done there to eliminate hunger - often in partnership with Oxfam :-)

          Whether with WFP or Oxfam - ending hunger is no game (sorry, had to thrown in a Hunger Games reference). Aid works - let's keep it working!

          Thursday, January 17, 2013

          The loss of LRP...

          You’ve heard us talk about it before: LRP. It’s short for the USDA Local and Regional Procurement Project. LRP started as a pilot program in the 2008 Farm Bill and was based on the proven findings that providing cash grants to purchase food in surplus-producing areas of the region where it will be distributed saves time and money.

          Over the course of the 4-year project, nearly 2 million people received food rations through vouchers, Food for Work activities and school feeding programs. That amounted to nearly 55,000 metric tons of food! You might be thinking to yourself, “How is this any different from what food aid already does?”. Well, most food aid provided by the U.S. has to be grown in the United States, transported to the shores, shipped overseas on U.S. shipping vessels, arrive in the crisis region, transported to the specific area being affected, and then distributed. This whole process sometimes takes 3-6 months and well, time is money and more importantly, lives! That’s where LRP comes in. If you can replace the first three steps with: acquire food in-region, then you’ve saved a huge amount of time (months saved = lives saved) and reduced the cost because you no longer have to ship the food such long distances.
          But…this program was allowed to expire during recent “fiscal cliff” negotiations. Earlier in 2012, the Senate Ag Committee had put forth an effort to make it a permanent program with a $40 million appropriation due to its success. Nope – didn’t make it through. Although 'inconvenient' seems like a heartless word choice, this really isn’t a time to mess around with life-saving foreign assistance. Issues such as climate change continue to threaten the already food insecure, leaving hundreds of millions to ponder their very survival. How do we tell them that a program that we know is successful and saves lives was allowed to expire?

          And when disaster strikes, how long must millions now wait for emergency food aid to arrive? 3 to 6 months? We can do better than that…WE know we can. 

          Tell Congress you oppose cuts to effective, poverty-reducing foreign aid!  Together, we’re a powerful voice for change. Let’s be a voice for those who too often go unheard.

          Tuesday, January 8, 2013

          Top Five Reasons to Attend Organizer Training

          Although we’ve just moved into 2013, there’s a huge opportunity knocking at your doorstep: Oxfam Action Corps training! Applications are now being accepted to be a lead organizer in Des Moines. We could speak volumes about our year as organizers but here are few reasons (David Letterman style) why you should seriously consider attending training in mid-April:

          Top Five Reasons Why You Should Attend Oxfam Action Corps Organizer Training

          5. It’s Free! The 4-day training held in Washington D.C. covers your travel, hotel, and meals. The staff at Oxfam America go to extreme lengths to make the training a memorable, inspirational, and educational experience. They recognize the value their volunteer organizers bring to the mission of Oxfam and you’ll be treated very well. In return, they ask for your one-year commitment to building a movement for social justice in your city.

          4. It’s in Washington, D.C.! What an incredible place filled with so much history! You'll be in classroom style training most of the day but your evenings will be free so you'll have the chance to explore D.C. with your newly made friend/organizers. And, in your final day at organizer training, you'll walk across Capitol Hill to lobby your congressional representatives and ask them to support a world that's fair for everyone.

          3. You Can Make a Difference! Your energy and passion for social justice will take you to some amazing places over your year with Oxfam. And it all starts at organizer training. You'll learn why these issues matter in today's world and that only through our combined efforts can we truly change the world. Organizer training brings you closer to your own personal values and reinforces the notion that we're better together than we are divided.

          2. You'll Meet New People! You’ll meet some amazing individuals (like yourself) hand-picked by Oxfam leadership to spread awareness about social justice issues in major cities across the U.S. Be prepared to be inspired by their energy, commitment, and passion for making the world we live in a better place for all.

          1. Opportunities Abound! You already have the power to be a leader – maybe you need that extra push to develop your skills or maybe you’re already a seasoned organizer and are looking for a new opportunity. With Oxfam Action Corps, that’s exactly what you get – opportunity. Most of all, the opportunity to grow as a community leader and as a private citizen. The leadership team at Oxfam America is ready to help you succeed with the organizer training and support throughout your year. Your year will be what you make of it, so make it a good one and have some fun!

          Make 2013 the year you take a stand for social justice. Apply here! The application takes less than 10 minutes. Don't delay - Feb. 14th is the last day to apply!