Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Nothing Loco about being a Locavore.

Hello Iowans! This is Aaron blogging today so prepare yourself for links... links are fun!

Our local Farmers' Markets are back in business and now is a great opportunity to discuss Oxfam's Grow Method. These neighborhood markets allow local farmers to sell their meat & produce directly to consumers. Doing some of your grocery shopping at your local Farmers' Market is directly in-line with 3 Grow Method principles.

  • SUPPORT - You're supporting small-scale food producers close to home.
  • SEASONAL - We waste lots of energy trying to grow food in the wrong place, at the wrong time of year. The produce available at your local Farmers' Market reflects the growing season in your area.
  • SAVE FOOD - About a third of the food produced for people's plates ends up lost or wasted between farm and fork. Sometimes cutting the distance between farm & fork can cut food waste too!
Here are some additional resources for finding out what is in season where you live.
For more information on where to find the closest market to you, Iowa Oxfam Action Corps has put together a Foursquare list of Farmer's Markets in the greater Des Moines area. Enjoy!

If you're looking for recipes I've got a link for that. Oxfam America has a great Pinterest where you can follow & pin delicious Grow Method Recipes.  Check it out!

And if you've got a fully stocked kitchen but you're stumped on what to make for dinner, there's another kind of online resource that you can use to SAVE FOOD. You can find several different special recipe websites online by searching for "what to cook with ingredients you have" - on these sites you tell them some of the ingredients you have available and they will search for recipes that you'll be able to use them with. We are living in the future and it is amazing. I can personally recommend My Fridge Food for having saved a few dinners in my household through its ease of use. 

Enjoy your Summer, Iowa!

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