Sunday, September 14, 2008

Climate Change Hurts Women, You Can Help

Oxfam America has released a new documentary called "Sisters on the Planet" and we would like to have it screened as widely as possible. Through the stories of four inspirational women, "Sisters" introduces viewers to the connection between gender, poverty, and environment and calls on each of us to take action for climate jusitce. You can order a copy at

You can see "Sisters on the Planet" at our next meeting at the Ingersoll Caribou Coffee this Tuesday, September 16th at 7:30pm. After the movie, we'll have a short discussion and plan some additional screenings around Des Moines. Please join us on September 16th and add your voice to those of women around the world who are demanding equity and justice in the face of climate change.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Iowa Screening of "Sisters on the Planet"

For the first time in the state of Iowa you can view and discuss "Sisters on the Planet". The premiere will be begin at 7 pm at the Ames Public Library on Wednesday Sept. 10.

"Sisters on the Planet" is a documentary portraying four inspirational women and how they are fighting back against climate change.

The film will leave you inspired and ready to take action. Come meet others and learn what we can do here locally.